sfirion BIM

Your BIM project in your pocket!



Project in the cloud

Lift your BIM project into the cloud and share your models for collaborative communication on the model.

4D Simulations

Create construction process simulations (4D) with sfirion BIM using familiar tools and without much prior knowledge.

Photos, Documents, Infos

Photos, documents and information can be accessed anytime and anywhere, even offline.

Photos, Documents, Infos

Electronic daily reports for planning or construction progress directly via app and email, even without a model.

sfirion BIM App

With the sfirion BIM app, you can import, view, share, comment on, and enrich IFC models with photos and documents. If the IFC file also contains schedule information and the corresponding links to the components, the 4D simulation can be played in the viewer.

  • Compatible with IFC-2×3 and IFC-4
  • Show/hide components
  • Inspect element properties
  • Intuitive handling with gestures
  • Cutting plane for clipping the model
  • Placing comments with reply function in the model
  • Placing photos and documents in the model
  • Documents, photo list / GPS grid
  • Share projects with other users
  • 4D simulation (prerequisite: IFC model contains task links)
  • Daily reports (no model required)


Download for Mac (experimental)

BIM Model Viewer

View the 3D model and inspect the building elements for their properties. Hide elements or insert a cutting plane to be able to look inside the model. Use the hierarchical model structure to hide and show entire groups of elements.


Pin comments to specific positions in the model and color them (red, yellow, green) or reply to comments already set by other users with access to the project. Involved persons are notified about your entry by e-mail.


Attach photos to specific positions in the model or add them via the photo list. If no positioning has taken place via the model, but GPS coordinates are available, these are stored and GPS photos can be viewed in relation to each other on a corresponding grid. If you take a photo directly via the app, an attempt is made to address the GPS transmitter of your device.


Pin documents in PDF format to specific positions in the model or add them via the document list. These documents can then be accessed by you or by users with the appropriate authorization. This can be done via the list or via the corresponding markers in the model.

4D Visualization

If the provided IFC file contains schedule information including links to the construction elements, you can view this information as a 4D visualization.

Daily Reports

Create daily reports for planning or construction activities or have your contractors submit reports through this platform. The whole process is paperless and straightforward. No model is required to use this feature.

sfirion BIM Add-In for Microsoft™ Project

Prerequisite: Project setup (Professional or higher) via the mobile app in iOS or Android.

With the sfirion BIM Add-In for Microsoft Project, you can add the fourth dimension to your BIM model. Simulate the construction process and upload the schedule information to the cloud so that the people you have authorized always have the latest 4D visualization at their disposal.

  • Linking components and tasks semi-automatically according to attributes
  • Manual linking of components and tasks
  • Automatic generation of a task list based on the model structure
  • Export of the visualization as PDF or video
  • Direct synchronization with the sfirion BIM app

more information…

sfirion BIM Conversion Tool

As an alternative to IFC, you can also use our proprietary file format (upload via app or web interface). This makes sense especially if you want to merge multiple IFC files for display in the app. To do this, you can convert your files to our SFBIM format (.sfbim) and then merge them.

Note: The coordinate systems of the models must have the same origin. Merging via professional consolidation tools to an IFC file is recommended.

  • Convert from IFC to SFBIM
  • Merge multiple SFBIM files

Tutorial Videos

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